August : A month of Patriotism and Partition.
As we know India is a democratic nation. Free from Britishers after hundreds years of ruling on 15th August, 1947. That's why August is a month of patriotism but also known as a black day(a black month) - the month of Partition between India and Pakistan. After 72 years of freedom still there are so many issues and difficulties in India. let's know something about Patriotism.
What is Patriotism? -
Patriotism or national pride is the feeling of love, devotion and sense of attachment to a homeland and alliance with citizens who share the same sentiment. (Wikipedia)

Patriotism vs Nationalism
There is a difference between patriotism and nationalism as George Orwell says in his essay `Notes on Nationalism'
"By 'patriotism' I mean devotion to a particular place and a particular way of life, which one believes to be the best in the world but has no wish to force upon other people. Patriotism is of its nature defensive, both militarily and culturally. Nationalism, on the other hand, is inseparable from the desire for power. The abiding purpose of every nationalist is to secure more power and more prestige, not for himself but for the nation or other unit in which he has chosen to sink his own individuality."
1 In defense of freedom : A film by Nandita Das (click here to read the blog)
The short film Starred by Nawazuddin Siddiqui as Manto. As we know India is a democratic nation. So everyone is free to live, free to work and free to write. Literature is not just for enjoyment. It also represents the culture, issues and problems of one's Nation. But every writer always writes goody goody things about the nation except some daring writers. But in India you can do wrong things but you have no right to write about that thing, and if you are going to do that thing then you are 'Deshdrohi' against your Nation. If you are talking about the contemporary issues of your Nation you are not a good writer.
The short film also shows the issue of Prostitution. Monto says that….
"उन्हें वहा जाने की इजाज़त है लेकिन हमे उनके बारे में लिखने की नही "
People can go to whore house but if one writer writes about them, theirs problems then he is vulgar. There are so many things which are not as presented as they are. The things present with butter polish not original. As manto says…
जो चीज़ जैसी है उसे वैसिही ही क्यूँ न पेश किया जाएँ?
But people always run away from difficulties and problems and always want to see good things surrounding them. They deny to reality. Then Manto says…
हकीक़त से इनकार करना क्या हमे बेहतर इन्सान बनाएगा?
Some things are painful but far better than illusions as he says…
"नीम के पत्ते कड़वे सह खून तो साफ करते हैं।"
In India Arundhati Roy is an example of a daring writer. Who also write against India and criticized by many people. Also known as….
In this short film as Manto says….
मेरी कहानी एक आईना है जिसमे समाज अपने आप को देख सकता है किसी बुरी शकल वाले को आईने से ही शिकायत हो तो उसमे मेरा क्या कसुर ?
Khushvant Singh's Train to Pakistan is also an example of the harsh reality of the partition...
Thus, every writer has the right to give their opinion, the nation is also of their. They can write about the problems and issues he can see surrounding them. The moral lesson of the short film is….
। बोल के लब आज़ाद है तेरे।
2 This Bloody Line – A Film By Ram Madhvani (click here to know the blog)
15th August is the day of Pride for us, as well as a dark day in the history of India and Pakistan. Cyril John Radcliffe, 1st Viscount Radcliffe was a British lawyer and Law Lord best known for his role in the partition of British India in 1947. The terrible and horrible decision which destroyed so many lives of people.
Both Hindu and Muslim People became so rational, harassed and violence during the Partition. The situation terrible especially for women from both sides. In this short film the representation of Radcliffe is quite different. He is shown as not a very bad person. But we can't deny that he made this decision this Bloody line for money. And ruined the lives of so many people, especially the people of Punjab. The Bloody line is not only drawn between two land but also between the mentality and the hearts of people.
"The bloody line between Hindu and Muslim "

W. H. Auden also writes a poem named 'Partition' which is also mentioned in this short film.
The poem by Bhagat Rawat about Country vs Nation In Hindi
The difference Between Country and nation is that Desh( nation) is more familiar to people than Rashtra(country). Bhagat remarks in the poem that the 'Desh' is made by people not by borders, land and states. But Country is made by Partition according to Bhagat Rawat. And the Partition not only broke the Country but also broke the hearts of people from both sides.
कितना भी पुराना और पवित्र रहा हो राष्ट्र शब्द का इतिहास
पर आज पता नहीं क्यों बार-बार
यह शब्द एक भारी भरकम बनायी गयी ऐसी अस्वाभाविक
डरावनी आवाज लगता है जो सत्ता और शक्ति के
अहंकार में न जाने किसको
ललकारने के लिए उपजी है
अपना बिगुल खुद बजाती जिससे एक ही शब्द
ध्वनित होता सुनायी देता है
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